Tuesday, July 25, 2017

In Alternative Universe, Wagner Plans Challenge to Wolf

YORK*, Pa.*, Alternative Earth #244- In an alternative dimension, Scott Wagner confirmed that he is seeking to challenge incumbent Tom Wolf for the chairmanship of the York County Chamber of Commerce.  

Wagner, who owns a waste-disposal firm, has emerged as a strong critic of Wolf's policies in running the chamber, such as a controversial proposed hike in member dues and what he described as excessive regulations regarding borrowing the chamber's laminating machine for personal use.  He also pointed out ways he believes nearby chambers have outpaced York's, such as the Greater Lancaster Chamber having more participants in its charity golf tournament and the Harrisburg Regional Chamber getting more submissions to its student essay contest.  

Interestingly, both Wagner and Wolf have some political experience: Wagner toyed with running for county commissioner in 2011, while Wolf did some consulting for former Gov. Bob Casey Jr. and is rumored to have turned down a cabinet appointment.

Those Wagner is seeking to represent had a mixed reaction to his plan.  "Tom [Wolf] seems like an okay guy, but I'm just not sure how effective he is," said Sarah Robles, an accountant from Red Lion, pointing out that Wolf has yet to be on time in bringing donuts to the steering committee meetings.  Travis Cooper, who owns an auto-body shop in Dover, said he didn't like that Wolf keeps butting heads with the executive committee, but doubted the opinionated Wagner could do better.

The small business owners then began speculating on whether President Rubio's mediocre approval ratings would affect Republican efforts to unseat Gov. Allyson Schwarz.

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